
Exhibitor Sponsorship Opportunities

Place your company logo on the Lanyards which wear by every attendee! Lanyards will be distributed in the registration area.

Sponsor: $1,500 (Available 2)

*Sponsor produces own lanyards, supply a minimum of 2,000 lanyards.
Registration Giveaway
Provide attendees with a non-food item such as pens, writing pads, magnets, etc with your company’s name and logo to be distributed at registration.

Cost : $500

*Sponsor produces own item
Registration Giveaway
Show Bags
Imagine your company bags that are flooded in the aisles.

Cost : $2,000

*Sponsor produces own item, supply a minimum of 1,500 bags.
Show Bags
Entrance Banner Or Standee
Place your company logo right where attendees will Do the Registration!

Cost : $ 750

*Sponsor produces own item
Entrance Banner Or Standee
Exhibit Hall Entrance Unit
Place your logo on the AARA Welcome Sign with the Entrance unit.

Cost : $3,000

Exhibit Hall Entrance Unit
Exhibit Hall Standee Or Banner
Place your logo on the AARA Trade Show Exhibit hall.

Cost : $500

*Sponsor produces own item
Exhibit Hall Standee Or Banner
TV Advertisement During Show

Cost: $3,000 | Only logo slide show – Cost: $1,500

*Sponsor provides own advertisement
TV Advertisement During Show

We have a comprehensive list of sponsorship opportunities offering something for every budget.
Filling out this short form is the first step in determining what would be right for your company.

Email :
Name :
Business Phone # :
Select Sponsorship :
Tell us about sponsorship?
I, the applicant, have read and understood the AARA Exhibit Policy and my group agrees to abide by said policy and its guidelines. By clicking the Submit button below, the applicant agrees to be personally responsible for any infractions thereof, and to assume all responsibilities indicated in the regulations. I provide the aforementioned materials for exhibit at the AARA for the time period indicated. I understand that the AARA accepts no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited and that all items are placed on display at the owner’s risk.